Thursday, October 1, 2009

Am I Weird?

There are times where I do something or eat something and my wife says to me. Your weird!! I started thinking why am I weird? If you have 5 people that watch only movies and 5 people that listen only to the radio. Which ones are the ones that are weird and which are normal? What are the standards by which we are to live normal? What is normal? God created everyone of us differently. No two people on this planet are alike. Not even twins...yes they may look alike but they are different in some way. So wouldn't all of us be weird? I mean if we are all created differently then that makes us all Especially us being Christians if the outside world would go to our service and see us worshipping they would be like man those guys are weird. I had the same feeling when I recently went to Africa. I saw the people there worshipping and I thought to myself these guys worship weird. But yet what is the standard for normal? So I decided to look up weird in the is the meaning it says of strange or extraordinary character. Gee that helped...what I'm not getting is who is it strange to? My pastor doesn't have a t.v. in his house...90% of the United States has a t.v. in there house. Does that make him weird? Or is he normal and 90% of America is weird? I'm mean there really isn't any drawbacks from not having a t.v. His electric bill is lowered because of it, He is not manipulated by the worlds views shown on the t.v., he doesn't waste away sitting in front of it, and lives a healthier lifestyle. That doesn't sound weird to me and actually sounds like common sense in which would imply normalness to me. So I came to this thought...If I was brought up in a world where I drank only water all my life and then all of the sudden realized that there is apple juice or soda that I can drink also...I would view the juice and soda as being weird. Why because growing up all I knew was water. So I think the world is confused on what is normal. Here is what I know normal to be.

With the world changing, people changing there is only one constant that stays the same. God!! God will never change and God set the standard for normal. God created you to be you! That's normal. Don't be anything else then what God wants you to be. If you like eating mayo on your tortillas then do that. Everyone is different and that's what makes you normal. My wife is total opposite of me and I love that.. That doesn't make her weird that makes her unique and that's what life is all about. Our uniqueness is what makes us normal. The world is using the wrong standard to view people and so this is where the word weird comes into play. First off only God judges so regardless if people do different things...we are all the same. Secondly it is our nature to view people and assess them...doesn't matter who you are you will always look at someone and think to yourself normal or weird. Although, it is our nature to do that you have to use the only standard needed to view. GOD'S EYES!! View people through His eyes and you will not see normal or will see brother or sister. So the question was Am I Weird? The answer is I was born weird but that's what makes me normal!!

May God Bless You and Keep You Safe

Yesus Gitano!
